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Comics tagged "Rhyming"

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#200 Happy Anniversary With 199 Comics! Happy Anniversary With 199 Comics! Here it is! One of the largest EBC strips to date. Photoshop automation and some Python scripting helped making the giant wall of comics (EBC #1 through #199), while our heroes were added by traditional digital drawing.

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200 strips are done, so let's raise our glasses for the next 200.

See you tomorrow!
Fallout, Jerry; Spacebot 4000
#101 [Untitled] [Untitled] A silly re-enactment of EBC #1, starring: Spacebot 4000 as Doodle #1, Jerry Fallout as Doodle #2 (from Doodle Jump), Fat Zap as The Poodle, and Pimple Faced Teen as The Noodle. Fallout, Jerry; Fat Zap; Pimple Faced Teen; Spacebot 4000
#26 Owsers and Ants Owsers and Ants One more of those silly rhyming nonsense comics. Bowser; Firefox; Pants; Trousers
#14 Energy Brain Man Energy Brain Man Homonymous confusion, starring three men. Badman; Batman; Bedman
#11 What did Mary have? What did Mary have? Mary, the famous girl from the childrens' song, had a little lamb. Or did she have something else entirely? Inspired by an old "Sesame Street" run from the 1970s. Bike; King; Lamb; Lamp; Mary
#5 Uff-O-Rama[TM] Uff-O-Rama[TM] Another rhyming gang, starring some familiar faces from Springfield and New New York. Buffy, The Vampire Slayer; Fluffy; Fry, Philip J.; Muffy; Scruffy; Simpson, Homer J.
#1 [Untitled] [Untitled] Some rhyming guys. When I was drawing this one, I had no idea it would become part 1 of a webcomic series. Doodle #1; Doodle #2; Noodle; Poodle