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Comics tagged "Geometry Nerds"

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#200 Happy Anniversary With 199 Comics! Happy Anniversary With 199 Comics! Here it is! One of the largest EBC strips to date. Photoshop automation and some Python scripting helped making the giant wall of comics (EBC #1 through #199), while our heroes were added by traditional digital drawing.

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200 strips are done, so let's raise our glasses for the next 200.

See you tomorrow!
Fallout, Jerry; Spacebot 4000
#154 Halloween Special, Part 5/5 -- The Geometry Nerds in: Dungeon Masters Halloween Special, Part 5/5 -- The Geometry Nerds in: Dungeon Masters A conventional D&D game becomes real, and it turns out that watching a fight between monsters can be quite entertaining.

That's it with this year's Halloween specials. Next up is a What If, I think I'll do that one on Sunday because the current strip is already late. And then, finally, back to the Roman Empire, where the epic battle in the colosseum is about to start.
Ball Guy; Cube Guy; Pyramid Guy
#53 Energy Brainiac Energy Brainiac The Geometry Nerds are discussing superheroes this time, and each of them seems to have a valid point. So if Green Lantern and Thor have to rely on external sources of power, does that mean Superman really is the strongest superhero? What about Hyperman then? And could Fat Zap be a superhero, too? Ball Guy; Cube Guy; Fat Zap; Hyperman; Pyramid Guy
#31 Dungeons, Dragons, And Nintendo Confusion Dungeons, Dragons, And Nintendo Confusion Once again, the Geometry Nerds ponder the important questions of life. This time, it's all about RPGs, both classic and computerized. Ball Guy; Cube Guy; Pyramid Guy
#4 Energy Brain Wars Episode IV: Star Wars Wars Energy Brain Wars Episode IV: Star Wars Wars First appearance of the geometry nerds. This time, they discuss their favorite Star Wars movies. Ball Guy; Cube Guy; Pyramid Guy