Comics tagged "Anniversaries"
Comic | Preview | Title | Description | Characters |
#200 | Happy Anniversary With 199 Comics! | Here it is! One of the largest EBC strips to date. Photoshop automation and some Python scripting helped making the giant wall of comics (EBC #1 through #199), while our heroes were added by traditional digital drawing. Please be patient, it may take a while to load. 200 strips are done, so let's raise our glasses for the next 200. See you tomorrow! |
Fallout, Jerry; Spacebot 4000 | |
#101 | [Untitled] | A silly re-enactment of EBC #1, starring: Spacebot 4000 as Doodle #1, Jerry Fallout as Doodle #2 (from Doodle Jump), Fat Zap as The Poodle, and Pimple Faced Teen as The Noodle. | Fallout, Jerry; Fat Zap; Pimple Faced Teen; Spacebot 4000 | |
#100 | 100 Characters From 100 Comics | All of the characters celebrating EBC #100 in the Metrotopia Amphitheater are from the Other Stuff section. The long description, detailing each character, will follow tomorrow night because this thing already took the whole weekend to draw. Update -- here's the description/character list I promised (it took a day longer because the Other Stuff items didn't have individual URLs before): Above/behind the arena, we can see Jerry Fallout as Superman and Spacebot 4000 as Batman from the Energy Brain League, followed by the real Batman and the real Superman (in their original colors this time; they can also be found here and even here). In the top row of the arena itself, from left to right: Spider-Man, Dr. Mankid and his assistant, Zombie Punk, Pimple Faced Teen as Green Lantern and Terry Boldface as Flash, Hulk: White, Monty and Gilbert Fallout. 2nd row of the arena (from top, left to right): Tux and Snowball from Supertux, Toaster Dragon, Mortimer Watson and his butler Henry, Cthulhu, the unmarried non-couple, and the Fantastic Four (Reed Richards, Susan Storm-Richards, Johnny Storm R.I.P., Ben Grimm). Mr. Fantastic is snatching popcorn from a guy in the row in front of him... 3rd row: The video game characters Lara Croft, Mario (holding his plumber thing under her nose!), Pac-Man, Link, Pinky the Ghost (tickled by Link), Donkey Kong, and Sonic the Hedgehog. The rest of the row is occupied by the TOS vs. TNG guys: Undecided guy, TOS guy (doesn't he look like Ned Flanders?), Voyager guy, and TNG guy. 4th row: Pirate Santa, Police Chief Train (also in EBC#27 and #28), the Dancing Rabbitz, the Rock Band (drummer, guitar player, singer), and news anchor Pran Salan dressed as James Bond. Why the heck is the drummer slapping the Willy Millowitsch rabbit? 5th row: Jack Thompson, Leon Kersken, Mr. Sushi (wondering where Kasper the Clown is), Diver and Gourmet Crocodile, the Mouth Guy (receiving cereals using his special method), the Nerd who wants to be a hero, Yoshi, Sascha Kersken, Math Nerd and Cookie Monster. 6th row: Snobble-headed man, or snobble dressed as a man, Giovanni/Pizza Man, Sid, Manny, and Diego from Ice Age (with the ice-cream from "Ice Age 4: Straciatella"), Mr. Iceblock from Supertux (see EBC #25), and the International Guys (Hiroshi Yamamoto from Japan, John Jackson from the United States, Sir Edward Overlord III from the United Kingdom, Jean-Luc Delacour from France, and Hermann von Strotz from Germany). 7th row: Centboy and Dollarman, Doodle and "Roddenberry" from Doodle Jump, two Snobbles (Dr. Snobble and Dobedobedo Snobble), two strange Eye Guys, the Falling Guy, the Fit Body Man, the stick figure, and another strange guy. |
#50 | Happy 50th Issue! | Finally, a (small) anniversary: EBC #50! So everyone is here who has been featured in this webcomic from #1 through #49. Most of them are even in order of appearance, just a few have been put where they seemed to fit best. The Weather Guys, of course (also featuring in yesterday's comic), are on top of the whole picture, in the sky. And they're all celebrating and having fun. All guest strip characters have been drawn by Leon because he did these guest strips in the first place. That's why some characters are there more than once (as you may have seen, they also appear twice in the character list, once as "$characterName" and once as "Guest $characterName." And, of course, those who have more than one identity appear twice (such as Hyperman/Clyde Barker or RM01/Chief RM01). Have fun, and I'll see you on Monday with the conclusion of the "To Be Continued" story arc from comics #47 and #48. |
Badman; Bailey, Con; Ball Guy; Banana; Barker, Clyde; Batman; Bauer, Jack; Bedman; Bender Bending Rodriguez; Bike; Bowser; Buffy, The Vampire Slayer; Captain America; Chief RM01; Chief Train; Chinese Curlhead; Chinese Jack Thompson; Chinese RM01; Chinese Snobble; Cloud #1; Cloud #2; Cloud #3; Colani, Professor Peter; Colosal Rabbit; Comic Nerd; Cube Guy; Curlhead; Curly Guy; Doodle #1; Doodle #2; Dr. Lucky; Dr. Monroe; Evil Hippie Shaker, The; Fallout, Jerry; Fallout, Mrs.; Fat Zap; Ferrari; Firefox; Flick; Flower; Fluffy; Foward, Captain Jonathan J.; Fry, Philip J.; Gangster; Georges des Champingnons; Gigaman; Giorgio di Funghi; Gorilla Electronique, Le; Guest Doodle; Guest Guy #1; Guest Guy #2; Guest Jerry Fallout; Guest RM01; Guest RM04; Guest Rocker; Guest Roddenberry #1; Guest Roddenberry #2; Guest Scruffy; Guest Sideshow Bob; Guest Smoker; Guest Snobble; Guest Spacebot 4000; Handsome Guy; Hippie; Hulk; Hyperman; Iron Man; Isabelle; Kersken, Leon; Kersken, Sascha; King; Knight of Lockwood; Lamb; Lamp; Less Handsome Guy; LOL; Loverman, Harry; M.O.M.; Magic Mirror; Mantar Georg; Martian George; Mary; Masked Swordman, The; Mexicano; Mr. Iceblock; Muffy; Mushroom George; Nadana, Lana Nana; Noodle; Palmer, David; Pants; Penny; Pimple Faced Teen; Pimple Faced Teen's Mom; Poodle; Punk Rocker; Pyramid Guy; Rainbow; Ranglow, Paul; RC06; Ricky; RM01; RM04; ROFL; ROFLMAO; Salan, Pran; Schwammerl Schorsch; Scruffy; Sermon; Simpson, Bart; Simpson, Homer J.; Snobble; Snupfen; Spacebot 4000; Spider-Man; Sun; Sunshine, Annabel; Super Fry; Super Homer; Super Leela; Super Lisa; Superman; Thompson, Jack; Thor; Trousers; Tux; User of the Stairway to Heaven; Wayne, Miranda; Williams, Breath; Window; Wolverine; Yun Qiaozhi |