Comics tagged "Computing"
Comic | Preview | Title | Description | Characters |
#200 | Happy Anniversary With 199 Comics! | Here it is! One of the largest EBC strips to date. Photoshop automation and some Python scripting helped making the giant wall of comics (EBC #1 through #199), while our heroes were added by traditional digital drawing. Please be patient, it may take a while to load. 200 strips are done, so let's raise our glasses for the next 200. See you tomorrow! |
Fallout, Jerry; Spacebot 4000 | |
#194 | Where Does Our Money Go? | Interesting what can happen with an electronic-only monetary system, and even more interesting how effectively the E-Police seems to handle it. Also check out the song of the same name by Dutch composer Arjen Lucassen. Paychips come in different flavors, depending on a customer's yearly income: - Basic (below $10,000) - Aluminium ($10,000-$19,999) - Bronze ($20,000-39,999) - Silver ($40,000-$59,999) - Gold ($60,000-$99,999) - Platinum ($100,000 and above) The higher levels allow their users to have a higher charge and/or credit limit, much like credit cards in our time. Every citizen is entitled to a Paychip and can collect it for free at the city council, at banks, the Post Office, and so on. While drawing this, we listened to Coldplay's brand new album, "A Head Full of Dreams." It's definitely their most pop-influenced album to date, and while I think it's not bad and will grow on the listener, "Viva la Vida or Death And All His Friends" is still their best album, in my opinion. Leon introduced the band to me some weeks ago, after we got interested in them for their hilarious Red Nose Day clip, "Game of Thrones The Musical". Before that, I used to mock them for being just a "slower U2." I knew nothing. I'll start drawing this week's last comic right now, and it will probably be uploaded today. |
80s Moviegoer who looks like Jerry; Boldface, Terry; Dr. Mysterious | |
#128 | The Corner Stones Of The Hacker Universe | As 128 is one of those "hacker numbers" from the 2^n set which, according to Neal Stephenson's classic hacker novel "Snow Crash," make up the "corner stones of the hacker universe," we've got this special out-of-continuity bar chart today. I googled the three terms "nerd," "geek," and "hacker," and then I searched for buildings with a height in meters matching the number of hits in millions. It kind of surprised me that "hacker" had the most hits, but I guess it's because people -- including the media -- often misname crackers (the bad guys) "hackers". |
#29 | LOL, ROFL, and ROFLMAO | A happy family -- LOL and ROFL are brothers, and ROFLMAO is their dad. They don't seem to agree on what to do. And what is Fat Zap doing there? | Fat Zap; LOL; ROFL; ROFLMAO |