#207: This Day We Explain!
Thursday, December 31, 2015
I wonder whether all of the VG players themselves know what they're talking about. The rulebook at least looks pretty impressive. Well, at least they still have printed books in 2067. All hope is not lost!
Last night, we joined DeviantArt and uploaded all existing EBC strips there. If you like, pay a visit to our DeviantArt page. I think it's a great platform for professional artists and newcomers alike. If you plan on creating a webcomic of your own, I would recommend it.
While creating tonight's comic, we listened to the album "Pet Sounds" on Spotify, a true classic by The Beach Boys that has aged exceptionally well. Give it a listen if you haven't yet, it's worth it.
So, this wraps up EBC for 2015. We wish everyone a successful New Year, and many great comics should be coming your way from us, if all goes well.
[click for hover]
Tags: Gaming; Jerry & Spacebot; Time Travel
Characters: Fairy at the VG Center; Fallout, Jerry; Knight at the VG Center; Spacebot 4000; Wizard at the VG Center
Wizard: Oh, that's very easy. You just have to make sure that your AGP always stay above your ATP. Also, your DGP must not drop below zero, and keep the D20 in mind. It's…
Knight: I don't mean to interrupt, but can you trade DGP for DTP?
Wizard [scratching his chin]: Wait... I know you can trade AGP for ATP, but it depends on the successful throw of a D4 above your current XP level, taking into account the... hmmm... not sure.
Wizard: Let's check out the rulebook.
Jerry Fallout: Do you have any idea what they're talking about?
Blog and social media pages
Friday, February 5, 2016
Since our return in November 2015, we've massively expanded our presence in social media. Even though all of them have their links on every page, here's the complete list:
Our own blog
If you like our little comic, feel free to like or follow us in the social media networks you're members of, and use their sharing mechanisms to spread the word. Our eternal gratitude will be yours if you do.
Using these channels, you can also communicate with us, ask questions, or even try and make suggestions. We won't promise to listen to the latter, but are always glad to hear your opinions about our work. Even the critical ones, as long as they're more constructive and more eloquently worded than "you suck."
We deliberately left out Instagram since they're too hipster to allow access from a computer and require a mobile device. We create and publish this comic using a MacBook Pro, and I'm not too fond of switching devices just for one social network (I know there are unofficial workarounds, but never mind these).