Yesterday's News
Blog and social media pages
Friday, February 5, 2016
Since our return in November 2015, we've massively expanded our presence in social media. Even though all of them have their links on every page, here's the complete list:
Our own blog
If you like our little comic, feel free to like or follow us in the social media networks you're members of, and use their sharing mechanisms to spread the word. Our eternal gratitude will be yours if you do.
Using these channels, you can also communicate with us, ask questions, or even try and make suggestions. We won't promise to listen to the latter, but are always glad to hear your opinions about our work. Even the critical ones, as long as they're more constructive and more eloquently worded than "you suck."
We deliberately left out Instagram since they're too hipster to allow access from a computer and require a mobile device. We create and publish this comic using a MacBook Pro, and I'm not too fond of switching devices just for one social network (I know there are unofficial workarounds, but never mind these).
Back From The Dead!
Sunday, November 29, 2015
It's been almost three and a half years that we abandoned this comic and website. Lame excuses come to mind -- other interests, a lot of work to do, and so on. But the flame was only burning very, very low, and didn't go out completely. That's why we're back now, finally, and it looks like we were never gone.
I didn't want to write this news entry on day 1 of our comeback because I wanted to make sure that we would be able to keep the schedule (at least halfway). Since then, we've added a few new strips, starting with EBC #183, resuming the time travel story arc right where we had left our friends. A poor coincidence that they were still in Paris where a very tragic event happened in the real world, just a few days before we uploaded the comic.
Besides, we added yet another strip from the "Songs Illustrated" department, Sweet Child O' Mine, as well as today's Guest Strip by Leon.
In December, we may or may not take a few breaks from the future story arc and revisit some other topics -- like whatever happened to Hyperman or to the Geometry Nerds. Just keep your eyes peeled.
Peace out
Sascha and Leon
Back To Default Theme With A Few Changes
Saturday, January 7, 2012
I just switched back to the default dark-red theme because New Year is over. While at it, I made two small modifications to the theme: I bumped the copyright (2011-2012 instead of 2011) because EBC is now in its second year, and I changed the update message in the top-right corner from "updated daily, Monday through Friday" to "5 updates per week," realizing that I can't keep a daily schedule on working days. So you might get weekend comics more often than not. I'll still add three more comics this weekend, for example.
Happy New Year!
Sunday, January 1, 2012
EBC is now officially in its second (calendar) year, and I hope that I'll be able to keep the schedule this year. At least better than last year.
As you can see, I added a New Year theme. We also took a look at all of the sketches from our Wacom sessions and added tons of Other Stuff. See you guys on Monday!
Christmas Theme and a new (technical) feature
Sunday, December 4, 2011
As you may have notices, I redocorated the EBC website again: after the Default Theme and the Halloween Theme, we've now got a Christmas Theme. Hope you like it.
I also added another technical feature: When I uploaded yesterday's ultra-large comic, I realized that it wouldn't display on my iPhone. That's because the iPhone's Safari browser has a builtin maximum image size. That's why I added an optional feature that allows me to split a comic into two or more separate images. Yesterday's strip has been split into four images, and now it works just fine on the iPhone.
I'll still add a Mobile Theme whenever I'll find the time, but for now, you can at least see all comics on iOS, Android, and other mobile systems.
One More Break Before X-Mas
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
As you may or may not have noticed, I haven't updated EBC since last Thursday. This is because Friday's guest strip wasn't delivered in time, and then I took a few days off from work (and comic-making). I'll be back on Friday, either with a guest strip or with my own one, and next Monday, I'll switch to the all-new X-Mas theme.
A Few More Days Off :/
Sunday, November 20, 2011
I haven't completely finished my Apache Webserver textbook yet, so I'll need a few more days off from comic-making. I hope to bring EBC back on November 24. Thanks for your patience.
EBC will be back 11/17/2011
Saturday, November 12, 2011
Unfortunately, I need another few days off: My Apache Web Server textbook has to be finished by November 15, and so I can't do any comics until then. November 16 is my 40th birthday (don't feel that old, though), and I want to take this day off as well.
So EBC will be back on Thursday, 11/17/2011, with #159. And on Friday, November 18, you'll get the guest strip #160. See you then!
Easier Browsing and a new Google+ Page
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
Hey everyone,
Google+ introduced Pages yesterday, just like Facebook. So as of now, EBC has a Google+ fanpage, linked on every page's footer, between Facebook and Twitter. If you're already a Google+ member, you can go there and follow or +1 the page.
The second thing I introduced today is a slight improvement in Navigation: you can now click on the currently displayed comic image to navigate to the next one. Unless, of course, you're already looking at the latest comic -- which will be up soon for tonight.
Halloween Theme and a few days off
Sunday, October 23, 2011
Unfortunately, I had to take a few days off from comic-making and will be back on Thursday, October 27. On that same day, we will meet the nice guys from the 24-hour comic contest again. If you haven't read our 24-hour comics yet, you can do so now. Leon's comic is here, and mine (which only has 12 of the 24 required pages) is here.
Meanwhile, you can enjoy the all-new EBC Halloween Theme. A few weeks ago, I added multi-theme support to the website, and the Halloween Theme is the first of a few alternative themes to come.
Saturday: 24 Hour Comic Event!
Thursday, September 29, 2011
Starting on Saturday, October 1, I'll participate in a 24-hour-comic contest at a local comic book store. The store is called Fantastic Store and is located on Bonner Str. 9 in my hometown, Cologne, Germany. The maximum number of participants has already been reached, but it's open for audiences on Saturday afternoon, so if you like you can come say hi. Here's the official event announcement on the Fantastic Store's website (in German).
The results will be published online, and of course I'll link to them here.
New: The EBC News Archive
Sunday, September 11, 2011
As promised, EBC has got a News Archive now. So you don't need to wonder any longer where the old news entries have gone, but you can just read them.
I haven't added paging to the archive for now because there haven't been so many news entries yet, but if the news archive continues to grow, I'll eventually add this feature, too.
Now I'm going to add some more missing transcripts. See you guys on Monday with an all-new strip!
On Schedule Problems
Friday, September 9, 2011
EBC is back again, after three days of delay. I'm trying hard to compensate it, doing three comics right now. But I'd rather like to stick with the schedule. So I'm thinking of creating a little backlog of strips during the weekend. I'll also implement the news archive and add the missing transcripts.
We're Back, Baby!
Friday, September 2, 2011
So, EBC is finally back on track. Man, that was one crazy week, with schedule problems and sickness.
In other news, I added a transcript feature for the comics, but I still have to add the transcripts for most of them.
Next up is a News Archive that will allow you to read older news entries, too.
Short Delay, Comics Will Resume On Friday
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Fear not, EBC readers! I had a few schedule problems during the last few days, and right now I'm pretty sick.
But comics will resume on Friday, so we're even back in line with the regular schedule, having -5 and -0 comics (i.e. What Ifs and Guest Strips, respectively) on Fridays. See you then!
Greetings, humanoids!
Monday, May 9, 2011
Finally! After a weekend-long struggle with CSS (that now even works in Internet Explorer), this new comic website is online. "Energy Brain Comics" was a spontaneous idea, born in one of the Wacom tablet drawing sessions I often do with my son, Leon. The title was actually his idea. I added it while I was drawing the comic that finally turned out to be EBC #1.
Okay, what is EBC about? It's about everything and nothing, arbitrary stuff that comes to my mind when there's a blank white Photoshop file in front of me.
New comics will be added every Monday through Friday. All the comics of the series I have drawn before I decided to make it a website are already online as well. Also check out the Other Stuff section. It contains some comics and scribbles that are not directly related to EBC.
Enjoy the comic, and if you like it, use the contact link to drop me a mail. As we're living in Social Media Age, you can also get connected using Facebook or Twitter.