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#210 No Spoilers, Please! No Spoilers, Please! A new guest strip by Leon. We're still hoping to find new guest strip artists, but haven't found any so far, so I guess Leon will go on doing some more guest strips during the next few weeks.

This one is about spoilers. Everybody hates spoilers, I guess, even though most of us don't choose measures as drastic as the disgruntled customer does. We wouldn't advocate her behavior, either.

M.G. Rosenfeld is a world-famous fantasy author from Cardiff, Wales. Her bestselling book series, "The Wizard School," is scheduled to have six volumes. Including the new one featured in this comic, the novels so far are:

1. The Wizard School (2010)

2. The Forbidden Forest (2012)

3. The Hidden Chamber (2014)

4. The Lost Realm (2016)

The fifth book is scheduled for 2018 and will probably be entitled "The Stolen Train."

Concerning fantasy novels, word is out that George R.R. Martin couldn't keep his deadline for the sixth book in his epic fantasy series, "A Song of Ice And Fire," entitled "The Winds of Winter." Here's his own blog post about it. Having enjoyed reading his books for a few years, part of me is a bit disappointed. On the other hand, I've known the dangers and pleasures of procrastination all too well and can't really blame the man. And at the end of the day, we all prefer a great book over a rushed one.

Completely unrelated, we went to the movies earlier today and finally watched Pixar's new feature film, "The Good Dinosaur." Being a huge fan of all things Pixar, I enjoyed this one as usual. It's both funny and emotional, as the works by this studio often are. The end of the movie was not the one I would have preferred, but of course I won't spoil it here in case you should own a pistol... Pixar's previous movie, "Inside Out," was at least as great as this one (I'm such a fanboy, ain't I?), and even more emotional. Five Stages Of Watching A Pixar Movie by the fantastic YouTuber OnlyLeigh describes very well how we fans feel about the studio's works.

See you tomorrow!
Customer With Earphones; Customer With Huge Grin; Customer With Messy Hair; Customer With Orange Hair; Customer With Sunglasses; Female Customer; Shop Assistant
#200 Happy Anniversary With 199 Comics! Happy Anniversary With 199 Comics! Here it is! One of the largest EBC strips to date. Photoshop automation and some Python scripting helped making the giant wall of comics (EBC #1 through #199), while our heroes were added by traditional digital drawing.

Please be patient, it may take a while to load.

200 strips are done, so let's raise our glasses for the next 200.

See you tomorrow!
Fallout, Jerry; Spacebot 4000
#194 Where Does Our Money Go? Where Does Our Money Go? Interesting what can happen with an electronic-only monetary system, and even more interesting how effectively the E-Police seems to handle it. Also check out the song of the same name by Dutch composer Arjen Lucassen.

Paychips come in different flavors, depending on a customer's yearly income:

- Basic (below $10,000)

- Aluminium ($10,000-$19,999)

- Bronze ($20,000-39,999)

- Silver ($40,000-$59,999)

- Gold ($60,000-$99,999)

- Platinum ($100,000 and above)

The higher levels allow their users to have a higher charge and/or credit limit, much like credit cards in our time. Every citizen is entitled to a Paychip and can collect it for free at the city council, at banks, the Post Office, and so on.

While drawing this, we listened to Coldplay's brand new album, "A Head Full of Dreams." It's definitely their most pop-influenced album to date, and while I think it's not bad and will grow on the listener, "Viva la Vida or Death And All His Friends" is still their best album, in my opinion. Leon introduced the band to me some weeks ago, after we got interested in them for their hilarious Red Nose Day clip, "Game of Thrones The Musical". Before that, I used to mock them for being just a "slower U2." I knew nothing.

I'll start drawing this week's last comic right now, and it will probably be uploaded today.
80s Moviegoer who looks like Jerry; Boldface, Terry; Dr. Mysterious
#181 Green Hell Green Hell Poor Jerry! First he gets seriously hurt by a gladiator, then some psychopathic chef wants to poison him, and finally, all his friends are talking to him simultaneously. 80s Moviegoer who looks like Jerry; Boldface, Terry; Dr. Mysterious; Fallout, Jerry; French Waiter; Spacebot 4000
#179 Hail To The Chef! Hail To The Chef! Hm, the definition of "souvenir" may be different for each of the two. Fallout, Jerry; French Waiter; Jacques, the French Chef
#160 Be It Guest Strip Or Not Be It Guest Strip Or Not Welcome to the largest EBC strip ever! It's a day later than announced because it took some time to finish it.

NOTE: The image is too large to be displayed on the iPhone (and maybe other devices), so here's a mobile version. Use your browser's Back Button to return to the site. In the long run, I'll add a mobile site, but for now, this workaround will have to do. [UPDATE: There's an optional feature now for a comic to consist of more than one image. I used it here, and this should fix the problem for now.]

I asked my son to do a guest strip, but he didn't have an idea. So we asked ourselves what kinds of guest strips our friends from Metrotopia would create, and here are some of the results. Leon created all the guest strips, while I drew the background story.

First in line is Jerry Fallout who shows us a fine day he spent at the Metrotopia Zoo with his best friend, Spacebot 4000. As it seems, he's not that into orthography.

Next up is Jimmy Nesbitt a.k.a. Pimple Faced Teen with a classic hero story featuring... himself. Back in EBC #95, his name was given as "Nigel Nesbitt." Well, his full name is James Nigel Nesbitt, jr., and while he prefers to be called Jimmy in the Standard EBC universe, he goes by Nigel in the Alternate or "What If" universe. Fun fact: Once P.F.T. has mucles, he doesn't have pimples any more.

The third strip is by our hero Hype... ehm, Clyde Barker. He wants to distract his fellow Metrotopians from Hyperman's true identity. But must the glovemaker really be the one they're looking for if his fingerprints are found on the gloves he made?

Fat Zap buys a pencil and other equipment at the local toy store, and then he depicts himself as a racing dog who wins the race and gets a large bone. Well done, Fat Zap!

The last one is by the Weather Guys who introduce their latest member, Plane. They actually use Plane's condensation trails to draw their own, very Shakespearean, guest strip.

Some day, we might actually do a real Guest Strip Contest -- keep your eyes open.
Barker, Clyde; Cloud #1; Cloud #2; Cloud #3; Fallout, Jerry; Fat Zap; Lightning; Pimple Faced Teen; Sun
#28 Chief RM01 and the Armed Robbery, Part II Chief RM01 and the Armed Robbery, Part II Finally, justice is on its way. Breath Williams will go back to prison. Will he be able to break out again? And will Chief RM01 once more be able to stop him? Chief RM01; Chief Train; Williams, Breath
#27 Chief RM01 and the Armed Robbery, Part I Chief RM01 and the Armed Robbery, Part I One of the few multi-panel comics in EBC, and the first two-part one. Chief RM01, chief Train (the other police guy), and the gangster Breath Williams are from Leon's comic series. Chief RM01; Chief Train; Williams, Breath
#24 24 24 The 24th strip has to be about the action TV series "24," of course. In this one, Jack Bauer tries to track down a dangerous gangster, like always. Bauer, Jack; Gangster; Palmer, David; Wayne, Miranda
#12 On King Panzland's Secret Service in China On King Panzland's Secret Service in China Panzland is the European kingdom in which our TV show, "A Panzburg Story," and Leon's comic series take place. King Panzland is the king of Panzland, of course. He sent our friends to China, and they do everything they can to remain inconspicuous. Chinese Curlhead; Chinese Jack Thompson; Chinese RM01; Chinese Snobble