#151: Halloween Special, Part 2/5 -- P.F.T. in: Some Like It Deep-Fried
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
Part 2 of our five-part Halloween special. Featuring Pimple Faced Teen and a parody of Edgar Allan Poe's classic horror poem "The Raven."
[click for hover]
Tags: Burger Bar; Halloween; Holidays; Horror; Jerry & Spacebot
Characters: Fallout, Jerry; Pimple Faced Teen; Spacebot 4000
Once upon an evening dreary, while I deep-fried weak and weary,
Over many a tasty pile of fries and burgers from off-shore,
While I nodded, nearly napping, suddenly there came a tapping,
As of some one gently rapping, rapping at the Burger Bar's door.
`'Tis some customer,' I muttered, `tapping at the Burger Bar's door -
Only this, and nothing more.'
Presently my soul grew stronger; hesitating then no longer,
`Sir,' said I, `or Madam, truly your forgiveness I implore;
But the fact is I was napping, and so gently you came rapping,
And so faintly you came tapping, tapping at the Burger Bar's door,
That I scarce was sure I heard you' - and they opened up the door; -
Two customers, and nothing more.
Standing at the kitchen's border, I said `Welcome, what's your order?
Burgers are our special offer, but there's also salad, or
I could recommend some chicken, or our extra-fingerlickin'
Specials that you can see stickin' on the poster at the door,
All-you-can-drink soda with it. But it's cold, so close the door!' -
`We want burgers, nothing more!'
So I went to start deep-frying, but there was no way denying
That there was some funny sighing that I hadn't heard before.
From the kitchen it was coming, it just sounded like a humming
And a strange unrhythmic drumming right behind the kitchen door,
And I took a look to check it right behind the kitchen door -
'Twas the deep-fryer, nothing more.
`Must be broken,' I was thinking, `I have to repair this stinking
Thing of low and ever-sinking quality like I did before.'
I looked into the deep-fryer, thought `must climb a little higher,
Just to see what's going on within this thing that I abhor.'
So I fell into the boiling oil and screamed with pain and more,
To be rescued nevermore.
Blog and social media pages
Friday, February 5, 2016
Since our return in November 2015, we've massively expanded our presence in social media. Even though all of them have their links on every page, here's the complete list:
Our own blog
If you like our little comic, feel free to like or follow us in the social media networks you're members of, and use their sharing mechanisms to spread the word. Our eternal gratitude will be yours if you do.
Using these channels, you can also communicate with us, ask questions, or even try and make suggestions. We won't promise to listen to the latter, but are always glad to hear your opinions about our work. Even the critical ones, as long as they're more constructive and more eloquently worded than "you suck."
We deliberately left out Instagram since they're too hipster to allow access from a computer and require a mobile device. We create and publish this comic using a MacBook Pro, and I'm not too fond of switching devices just for one social network (I know there are unofficial workarounds, but never mind these).